Hi and Welcome to Remi Bergougnoux Photography,
I am Rémi Bergougnoux, a French landscape photographer based out of Switzerland and currently travelling the world in search of inspiration and incredible places.
I have always been intrigued by the possibilities that photography offers to drive emotions by capturing and immortalizing moments in time. I think that deep inside my journey started when I was a child but really started being serious about 10 years ago when I got my first DSLR with which I started experimenting. In the meantime, life went by and photography only remained a hobby until I started falling in love with nature and especially mountains when I moved to Switzerland in 2014.
I remember when I realized that photography became more than just a passion. It was in summer 2019 when I saw a wonderful picture on a weather forecast website and told myself I have to see that with my own eyes. The following week, I went to camp to that spot in the Swiss mountains and woke up for sunrise and could not believe what was happening before my eyes. To this day, the pictures I took that morning remain among the most beautiful I have ever made (see below).
After this memorable event, I started investing time into photography and soon realized that I needed more that just doing this over the weekend and holidays. Therefore, at the end of 2021 I decided to leave my job in the finance industry and to pursue my career in the field.
Today, I am offering landscape photography workshops and tours. I have also created a Youtube channel @Remontheroad where I am teaching landscape photography.
And by the way, I am a Fujifilm X photographer. Check the About me page to know more about my gear.
Feel free to follow me on Instagram and Facebook to see my photographs and follow my adventures.